Selasa, 31 Juli 2012


inatang a cute adorable and definitely a lot of people liked. To maintain the hamster to stay healthy, funny and there are a few tricks you should know. So the origin is not maintained without proper treatment.That you must first choose a large hamster cage. Hamsters could move freely in order to more freely. Cage from the aquarium can be a rectangular box, and there can petshonya.The latter provide a smooth sand / sawdust without any chemicals. This is used for the pedestal in the hamster cage later. In addition to the base, also functions to absorb the urine so as not to stagnate. In addition, as for example his bed if he does not sleep at home-wrapper. Do not forget to replace the sand / sawdust periodically. Could be once a week, so the cage does not smell. Bisadari thickness 2cm to 4 cm.ThirdFor the best hamster food is food manufactured imports. Even so you also have to remain vigilantHamster Hamster Care Tips 300x328 True

and more closely in choosing where imported food is good. Some imported foods contain too much dye, too many sunflower seeds or other materials that could harm the hamster itself. Several types of fruits and nuts can be given once a week in limited quantities (less so!)Some foods that can be given as a snack to the hamster: (Caution: This food is only given as a snack rather than a main dish because it can lead to nutrient imbalances, damage to the urinary system, diarrhea, and abnormalities in the pregnancy because of obesity)Apples, Pears, Bananas, Carrots Sweet corn (the provision of large amounts can cause hair loss) Potatoes (must be boiled first) Peanut, Peanut skins, cashew nuts, Almonds, Soybeans fresh bread, Cracker Biscuits, Oatmeal, Corn FlakesFoods that should not be given to the hamster:Lettuce, Watercress, and all other green vegetables (Cai sim, spinach, kai lan, etc.), CucumberFoods that should not be given at all to the hamster:Oranges and all citrus CokelatMakanan nation that has been flavored
Fourth.Which is itself Beverages of the Hamster. Hamsters get water from the vegetables. If for example you are not too many vegetables ngasi specially prepare a hamster water bottle sold in pet shops. Oh yes do not forget. Hamster drink water in the cook do not give tap water germs-bacteria is still there. Hygiene also bottles should be clean senangtiasa. Do not also provide human milk alone susuhamster cation. Oh yes the bottle should not leak. Kandangannya flood again later.Fifth.
Consider the mistakes of novice hamster keeper.

* Hamster dried under the sun. Hamsters are nocturnal animals. They are nocturnal animals. In the wild they sleep during the day in a hole they could reach a depth of 10-20 meters below ground level and only come out at night to find food. So they do not need sunlight. A little is enough ... no need to 'dried'.
* Hamster washed with water. Hamsters are prone to water and humidity. Hamster comes from the dry desert areas. If your hamster is healthy and in prime condition might be exposed to water is not a problem, but if the conditions are wet down could mean death for a wet mereka.Hamster should be dried immediately or they have a cold, then progress to pneumonia and ended in death. So do not take the risk for this action unnecessary.
* Separates from parent hamster babies. It sounds stupid but believe many people do not intentionally do this because they fear the gossip circulating about the 'hamster-eating children'. Mothers of healthy hamsters and humans are quite familiar with it will not take their children for no apparent reason! So do not separate mothers and their babies because the babies will die quickly from cold and did not get milk.
* Hamster falls from a height. If your hamster is new, try to hold the hamster in a hamster sitting position so if you fall do not be too high. This error is most often done. Hamster of the new arrivals are usually still feels foreign to you and the environment and tends to jump suddenly. So you have to anticipate this first

Caring for Pregnant Hamster

Caring for Pregnant Hamster
When completed the process of marriage and look pregnant so soon separate the male hamsters and hamster in a different cage. Why should it be separated?

the answer is that the female hamster are not bothered and do not stress. In addition to the female hamster does not hurt that the male and the male does not impregnate again. usually when impregnating the female hamster is completed, then the male will find it addictive. mating is one hobby hamster.

As for the characteristic features of the pregnant hamster:
A. looks like a pear fruit
2. eating and drinking were two times more. even more than 2-fold.
3. less aggressive toward the male (which is why should the split)
4. the nipples clearly visible
5. out a little blood from the penis (not his anus). indicates that the hamster will give birth, perhaps 1 to 5 the next day after bleeding.

nah, how to care for pregnant hamster is very simple, namely:
A. give adequate food, like carrots, bean sprouts, and other grains (try not greens)
2. the female's cage put in place safe from predators such as house mice

There is also to care for their babies and infants who are breast-feeding hamsters:
A. make sure there are no toys in the cage
2. give the cage is not too wide so that the parent could concentrate for lactating
3. during the process of breastfeeding do not often seen especially in babies hold their babies. later the mother may feel threatened and the stress that led to devour her child.
4. put it in a safe place, away from the hustle and bustle of human activity.
5. give the sprouts on a regular basis, half the carrots for a week and give a hard-boiled egg whites so that milk can drain the hamster.
6. Do not replace wood powder up to the age of 2-3 weeks

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Many people are interested in having a saltwater aquarium in their homes. Here are a few things we'd like to suggest when you consider setting up a tropical saltwater aquarium.
Obtain a copy of a good reference book on setting up an aquarium. This will help you avoid frustration as you pursue your hobby. Most pet stores and libraries have good reference materials.
Learn about the animals you wish to have. Carefully consider the largest size an animal will grow before you purchase it for your home aquarium. While Sea World is capable of taking care of large fish such as nurse sharks, they probably should not be purchased for most home aquariums.
Make sure that food for the species you wish to have is consistently available. Some fish feed only on corals. These fish are difficult to keep in home aquariums because there is no commercial food supply available for them.
Be careful to purchase animals that are compatible and that will be able to live together in the size aquarium you have.
Ask your supplier to check water from your aquarium before you purchase animals. If your supplier is unable to test the water for you ask him for advice on the correct parameters of pH, ammonia, nitrates, etc.
Regularly test your aquarium water. You can use test kits that are available at your local pet store. The quality of the water in your aquarium is critical to the health to the animals.
Ask your local fish supplier how specimens have been collected. We encourage you to avoid any specimen that has been collected with the use of chemicals. Two of the common chemicals used are cyanide and chlorine bleach. These chemicals kill a large percentage of fish exposed to them. They also destroy other life on the reef, including corals.
Ask your supplier if the fish he carries are "hand caught."
Home Aquariums
Home aquariums provide many hours of enjoyment for the entire family. It is vital that the animals you have in your aquarium are given the care they need. The more you know about the animals, how they were collected, and how to provide them the best home, the more you will enjoy picture
Maintenance Tips:
1. Don't overfeed the animals.
2. Change 25% to 50% of the water at least once a month.
3. Develop a quarantine aquarium for new or sick animals.
4. When the water evaporates, refill with fresh, nonchlorinated water.
5. Any change in the salinity or temperature should be made slowly. (Changing salinity as a treatment to remove certain parasites (is an exception to this rule.)
6. Test pH and ammonia daily. Nitrates should be monitored at least once a week.

Don't hesitate to ask your local fish supplier or a local aquarium hobbyist group any questions you may have about your aquarium or the animals in it.

Antoinette gained her life experience when she completed 4 years in “Food and Clothing” at the Vaal Triangle Technicon (Vaal University of Technology).

After that she joined Finesse Magazine's department of Fashion and Design, but her dream and passion was to have her own business. That led to a BRAND being established. Though it is still a young business, it is bursting at the seams with all the incoming orders.

One day…

About a year ago, Antoinette with her special brand of creativity, designed and hand-made a hobby horse for a birthday present. Everyone that laid eyes on this horse also wanted to have one. Antoinette then got so busy making children's toys, which was absolutely "one of a kind" and thus Hobby Animals was born.

Each animal is carefully crafted by hand, and you can see her passion and love in each one of them. Antoinette says, for her it is no work making them, but more like playing, and that it is the most enjoyable occupation under the sun.

If you would ask me personally what the future holds for Hobby Animals - I would definitely say that it is a must for every household.